Interface WriteResultExperimental

Result of writing a barcode.

The final form of this API is not yet settled and may change.

interface WriteResult {
    error: string;
    image: null | Blob;
    svg: string;
    symbol: BarcodeSymbol;
    utf8: string;


  • Omit<ZXingWriteResult, "image">
    • WriteResult


error: string

Encoding error. If there's no error, this will be an empty string "".

image: null | Blob

The encoded barcode as an image blob. If some error happens, this will be null.

svg: string

The encoded barcode as a scalable vector graphics (SVG) string.

symbol: BarcodeSymbol

Barcode symbol in the shape of a one-channel image.

utf8: string

The encoded barcode as a utf8 string, using " ", "▀", "▄", "█".